24-hour Emergency Service Knowing who to contact in an emergency can save an animal's life. For 24-hours inspectorate or out of hours veterinary emergency services please call our hotline: 27111000.
S寵物 / 獸醫Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

本課程將教導大家如何使用“太極棒”作身體按摩,以達致消除疲勞、舒筋活胳; 另外更會教大家做“太極棒養生功” ,持續按摩及練功可得健康長壽。“太極棒”按摩易懂易學,能救己救人!

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C汽車及電單車 / 汽車維修、保養及改裝China Lutong Parts Plant - John Alen

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